Friday, November 8th 2019
13.00-14.30, MARRAKECH
Amphitheater 1, Mohamed VI Habous Conference Center
Present: Gulseren Akyuz (Turkey), Jorge Lains (Portugal), Nicolas
Christodoulou (Cyprus), Hafid Meliani (Morroco), Amparo Assucena (Spain), Iuly
Treger (Israel), Calogero Foti (Italy), Stephen Zammit (Malta), Milica Lazovic
(Serbia), Francesca
Gimigliano (Italy), Khalil Al Abbad (Jordan), Ilker Yagci
(Turkey), Klemen Grabljevec (Slovenia), Maria Obradovic (Montenegro),
Gadallah (Egypt), Imen Miri (Tunisia), Mohamed Sokolla (Sudan), Houria Kaced (Algeria), Nives Stiglic
Rogoznica (Croatia), Angeliki Galata (Greece), Gerold Ebenbichler (Austria), Isabelle Laffont (France) and the
members of MFPRM
1. Nomination of the Council Members: The present members of each country decided between
them for their countries’ representatives. They were announced the following:
1. Turkey:
Ilker Yagci
2. Serbia: Milica Lazovic
3. Italy: Calogero Foti
4. Malta: Stephen Zammit
5. Israel: Iuly Treger
6. Jordan: Khalil Al Abbad
7. Morroco: Hafid Meliani
8. Cyprus: Nicolas Christodoulou
9. Spain: Amparo Assucena
10. Portugal: Jorge Lains
11. Croatia: Nives Stiglic
12. Slovenia: Klemen Grabljevec
13. Austria: Gerold Ebenbichler
14. Egypt: Naglaa Gadallah
15. Sudan: Mohamed Sokolla
16. Tunisia: Imen Miri
17. Montenegro: Maria Obradovic
18. Romania:
Irsay Laszlo
19. Greece: Angeliki Galata
20. France: Isabelle Laffont
2. Approval of the Minutes of the 12th Congress of MFPRM General Assembly in
Malta: The minutes were accepted unanimously.
3. Welcome by the MFPRM President and
reference to all efforts done for the promotion of the Forum: The MFPRM President Gulseren Akyuz welcomed all the participants
and explained all the efforts done for the promotion of the MFPRM. She stated
that there were 588 active members, then invited all of the PRM physicians to
join MFPRM through the website. She mentioned that the new members of MFPRM
automatically add to the email group. She announced the 'European Journal of
PRM' with the subtitle of 'Mediterranean Journal of PRM' as the official
journal of MFPRM. She reported that the memorandum of understanding between
MFPRM and EFFR, and between MFPRM and ISPRM had been accepted. Then she invited Hafid Meliani, the Congress
President, to give more detailed information for the current congress.
4. Information about MOROCCO MFPRM Congress in figures by Congress
President: Hafid Meliani, the Congress President, gave
information about the 13th Mediterranean Congress of PRM. He stated that there
were 318 official registrations. He explained that a total of 22 workshops (11
short and 11 long) held for this congress. He apologized that the opening
ceremony did not contain any Morrocan cultural events. He announced that a
beautiful show was prepared for the gala dinner. Gulseren Akyuz, on behalf of
the MFPRM, congratulated Hafid Meliani and the organizing committee for their
5. Discussion and eventual updating of the MFPRM Statute: Jorge Lains suggested
creating a council for past presidents. Then, he read the proposal: A Council of Past Presidents will be
created. It will be chaired by the Immediate Past President of the MFPRM for a
two or four year term. This Council shall act only in a consultative capacity
and does not have any executive and/or administrative role in the affairs of the
MFPRM. The statue was accepted after the voting. Gulseren Akyuz thanked and
mentioned that she would be pleasured to continue work for MFPRM.
6. MFPRM ways to move forward
- The Activities
of Committee of Residents and Young PRM Specialists (CRYS): Amparo
Assucena explained that the Committee of Residents and Young PRM Specialist had
been created with the aims of sharing experiences and expectations and
networking. The idea of this committee was to bring the residents and young
specialists coming from different countries in MFPRM together and to let them
discuss and convey to us their expectations and goals. She reported works that
had been done for this purpose in the last two years. She stated that whatsapp
and email groups were established, and through these groups, the information
about courses and summer schools was shared. Then, she invited young colleagues
to join this committee.
- The expectations
and needs of member Countries from MFPRM: Iuly
Treger presented a survey that prepared for Mediterranean PRM members. This
survey included questions about ‘what is your expectation from the Mediterranean
Forum’ and ‘what is the most and less important’. He explained that 62.5% of
members responded to this survey. According to this survey the most important expect was the congress.
The second important was the Haim Ring Euro-Mediterranean PRM School in Syracuse. The third
place was shared between the website, connecting professionals- east and west,
and the database of the members. The fourth place was the committee of
residents and young specialists. The fifth place was connections of the MFPRM
board with other professional organizations, international committees,
scientific journals, and others. The sixth one was connecting rehabilitation
traditions over the region- promoting professional meetings with the use of
different treatment approaches. Another sixth place was the promotion at
different levels of rehabilitation management issues exchange and discussions,
funding types, administration in different countries. The seventh-place was
increasing social media use and publishing newsletters. For the last part of
this survey, it was asked to put general comments. In the conclusion, most
important were again listed as Congress, Website and Haim Ring Euro-Mediterranean PRM School in Syracuse.
7. Haim Ring Euro–Mediterranean PRM School in Syracuse Nov 12th – 15th, 2018:
Francesca Gimigliano presented the program and gave
several details of the last School in 2018. It has been stated that the topic
was ‘Injections and Interventional Therapy in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation’
and a total of 113 participants were attended. Five of the participants were
sponsored by MFPRM from Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, and Sudan. She announced the
topic for 2020 would be ‘Pharmacological Management in PRM’. She explained the
financial support from the MFPRM Congresses will be provided with the purpose
of strengthening the Haim Ring Euro–Mediterranean PRM School even further.
8. The 14th Congress of MFPRM in jordan in 2021: Khalil Al-Abbad on
the behalf of Jordan thanked to have the opportunity for the next MFPRM
Congress and invited everyone to attend. He presented the organization plans of
the 14th Congress of MFPRM in Jordan, 2021. He gave information about the
Jordan convention bureau services and transportation to Jordan. He showed
pictures and a video of the place where the congress would be held and
touristic sites of Jordan.
9. Decision for the 15th Congress of 2023: Calogero Foti presented the
application to host the 2023 MFPRM Congress for Rome, Italy. He promoted the
city of Rome and PRM Services in Italy. He introduced the Italian PRM
Professors and other academical members who would support the congress. Italy
was the only candidate for the 15th Congress of MFPRM and was selected after
10. Before the election, Gulseren
Akyuz thanked the MFPRM family for supporting during her duty as a president
and wished success for the new president and board members.
11. Election for the MFPRM President: Milica Lazovic was the only
candidate for the current election and was selected unanimously.
12. Election for the Executive Board Members of MFPRM: The members of the Council were asked to express
their desire to be elected for the 5 posts of the Board, besides the posts of
president and vice-president (who is automatically the organizer of the next
congress). The following members expressed their interest and received by
secret voting the number of votes, as it is written below:
1. Turkey:
Ilker Yagci
2. Morroco: Hafid Meliani
3. Malta: Stephen Zammit
4. Slovenia: Klemen Grabljevec
5. Israel: Iuly Treger
6. Austria: Gerold Ebenbichler
7. Italy: Calogero Foti
The elected Board Members were as follows:
Ilker Yagci
Calogero Foti
Hafid Meliani
Klemen Grabljevec
Iuly Treger
12. The General Assembly ended with good wishes at 14.30
Gulseren Akyuz Milica
President Secretary